Hola a todos, el otro día asistimos a la inauguración de la Pastelería David Esteve.
Primero de todo agradecer a David y a los que trabajan con él, el trato tan amable que recibimos y con la simpatía que nos atendieron.
Hello everyone, the other day we attended the David Esteve Pastry opening.
First,thanks David and those who work with him, so kind treatment we received and the sympathy they looked after us.
Hello everyone, the other day we attended the David Esteve Pastry opening.
First,thanks David and those who work with him, so kind treatment we received and the sympathy they looked after us.
En la inauguración pudimos degustar toda clase de frivolidades saladas y dulces. Estaba todo delicioso, hecho con cariño y con gusto.
In the pastry opening, we could taste all kinds of savory and sweet frivolities. It was all delicious, made with love and taste.
In the pastry opening, we could taste all kinds of savory and sweet frivolities. It was all delicious, made with love and taste.
Os recomendamos que les hagáis una visita y probéis sus productos pues no os defraudarán.
La pastelería David Esteve está situada en :
C/Burriana, 17
Tel: 96-374-99-16
Valencia, España
We recommend you to visit them and taste their products because they will not disappoint you.
The pastry David Esteve is located at:
C / Burriana, 17
Tel: 96-374-99-16
Valencia, Spain
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